Thursday, August 12, 2010

Read before you send

I have heard some saying “think before you speak”, but today I learnt –
1. Read before you send…
2. Carefully use “Reply to all” button in mail…
3. What does exact meaning of word “Blunder”…
Lot of learning by a single incident happened today with me in office,
In my team a outing is going to happen, for which there are many game, fun events & quizzes are planned. Out of those 1 is movie quiz.
But to choose participating teams for it, they were about to send email for prelim quiz, whoever solve first & more number of correct answers will be moved to 2nd round…
I just returned from lunch, saw my Inbox & found prelim quiz. I said – “Oh great, lets solve it”
As in Engineering & IT industry taught us “it is always team effort which leads to success”, I take help of my friend (sit beside me) & we were able to solve all questions (thanks to Google) in say 15-20 min of time.
Oh Wow, we are going for final, by saying this I clicked on “Send” button…………
Suddenly I saw one pop-up @ right corner of my laptop window, hey what is this………
How come I got mail I send just now??????
First I thought that quiz master replied me, ok, I opened that mail……..
& when I noticed the list of “To” & “CC”, I fainted……
Only words came out of my mouth ….. OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTT
What I did there…. “I clicked Reply to All”
Quiz master came to my desk to congratulate me for all my right answers & scolding me to screw his quiz.
After that I am received around 30 mails from other on same topic & for BLUNDER which I committed today.
I just ask 1 thing – Why Reply & Reply to All buttons always kept near to each other, why they are not at two corners of mail-window??????

Friday, March 19, 2010

Put yourself in someone else shoe

It is almost 1.5 years I written any blog, one of my friends keep pushing me to write something. I say him – “I don’t have time, put yourself in my shoe then you’ll get to know that how busy I am, I don’t have time”.

This was the beauty of the argument; “Put you in my shoe” both of us know that it is not possible (I am not saying just normal shoe exchange). But just imagine if it could be possible how amazing it will be.

Have you ever given thought of this? But I am always anxious to see the life from different person’s eye. How they see the world? What thought they have? What they want, what they don’t want? How their emotions flow? And the biggest question – what they think about me or how they see me? I want to feel what my mother feels. I want to know what those thoughts are which give her so much energy to serve/love to everyone.

Is it possible? May be I don’t know at this point of time, but I remember 1 article somewhere which was explaining there is small memory associated with our eyes, and when someone donates eyes then sometimes that memory doesn’t erase, it still keeps some of the thoughts of the donor. Many times the person who receive new eyes see the dreams of donor, remember the things of donor, identify person he never met but donor met anytime. Many times friends or relatives of donor also identify those eyes easily and build connection with that person easily.

Means it is possible (even slight chance only) to put myself in someone else shoe. Eye donation is one of those ways to do this.

At same time I am expecting many more new ways in future to – “Put myself in someone else shoe”, and feel the world in another perspective. I am waiting for this to happen…….

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hey dude.....

Yesterday one of friend asked me - hey dude, did you stop writing blogs now a day? First I just checked beside me, is that someone else is there or not, and then I realized that I become DUDE now days. But this was enough for me to bring myself back at ‘http: //’. So I replied him – no dude (actually good word, isn’t it?), it’s not like that. Then he said – I am serious Yaar.

Now question came to my mind why he became serious now? Again my brain started thinking (sometimes mistakes also happens) towards this word – ‘serious’ or ‘seriously’.

This word seriously came in different ways in my life also. One day (actually it was One night) one of my friend drunk lot & said to me that - hey man (no dude this time), you can achieve a lot in life, you have capabilities but you are not serious towards life. This makes me think, whether this is compliment or comment? Whatever it may be, but bottom line is - I am not serious. So is this thing good or bad? Even I don’t have solid answer for this.

But I remember one incident, when I was kid the some relative came to my home & informed my mom that my Grandpa is serious, & some days later my grandpa passed away. Some time later my Aunt was serious & she also passed away. So by these incidents it seem that being serious is not good for health. But now question arise ‘why everyone says – you should be serious in life?’

So I decided to give 1 more thought to this word seriously.

Yes, I got one more incident (actually it happen last year only) to find a conclusion - one of my friend fall in love (I never seen him to fell down anywhere but everyone say this). So one fine day her girl friend (later her wife) asked him – ‘Hey are you serious about me? Should we marry to each other now?’ & my friend said - ‘Yes’ (thanks god, he didn’t read my starting examples for word serious in this blog). And within 2 weeks they get married & were staying together happily. Cool Na?

But sometimes (for showing myself +ve I am not using word ‘Many times’ here, but actually I wants) that simple YES creates very serious problems also in these kinds of cases. Another of my friend is really suffering his marriage life & due to only a single yes, both (my friend & his wife) are now facing serious problem in life by being more serious in life.

Now after reading this blog you may think, whether I was serious while writing this blog or not? Even I don’t know yet, but one thing is sure that it’s impossible to write such a non-sense blog after any serious thinking, so don’t be serious, as all of you know that I am also not at all a serious person by nature also.

So dear friends please don’t be serious after reading, but just remember one thing –

“Don’t become serious in life, but be always serious about life” – Vaibhav Karandikar

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Journey of Salmon Fishes.................

Very few of us know about the life cycle of Salmon fish. When I was going through an article then I got to know that Salmon fish ends their life at same place where they born. After a long of difficulties they travel and come back to their birth place to die. How it happens it is a mystic question for everyone, but it is really good or amazing I can say.
Salmon Fish……. Salmon Fish……. Salmon Fish……. Salmon Fish, is it SELFISH?
No, selfish is altogether a different word this I can say. But what is its meaning? When I tried to explore then as usual the first POC (Point Of Contact- I am a poor S/W guy) was Google for me. So I typed “Google” in IE (Internet Explorer Browser) & pressed Cntl+Enter and soon I welcomed by my favorite Google homepage. Then I typed word “selfish” to search & it gives definition of word as “The one who think about SELF”. This was very simple & easy answer for anyone but when I tried to understand then I came across a new word SELF. But now I was afraid to check meaning for this word again in to Goolge, otherwise it will throw a another word to me & send me in an infinite loop (really I am poor S/W guy na?), so finally I decided to understand meaning of this word by own & by some R&D (Research & Development- I say everyone that I want to do this). Then I started to find answer of my question & I came across some related word to this, like – myself, our self, your self etc. Then slowly meaning of word “self” was started coming in to my mind. So I felt self means “Me” or “I”. But I was not satisfied again by this meaning also. It means some more thinking and specially time required for getting me answer but I was sure about 1 thing that this is better than Google’s never ending infinite loop. Also I thought sometimes thinking gives exercise to mind, so in all it was good for me. Soon I realized that meaning of word self is different for different persons & its meaning is surely not only “Me” or “I”. Its meaning changes upon individual to individual what he/she wants to contain in word SELF. Now I know everybody needs evidences or examples for this. Let’s see some of the examples below what people include in word self apart form “ME” or “I”:

For a mother (why always mother comes to my mind first that I still don’t know) self contain her children (whatever in number), so for a mother number of persons in self can be varied.
For any child (below 6 years) self contains only His/Her mother.
For any child (between 6-15 years- please don’t ask me about this exact number) self contains His/Her parents & some very close friends and some relatives who care for them.
For a person (between 16-25 years) self contains His/Her all friends and parents.
For a person (above 25 years – assuming he/she becomes married in this age only) self contains His/Her family (especially spouse & children and sometimes parents too if they are lucky).

But this can seems to be only a general trend with lot of exceptions, some of which are as below:

In very recent time I have seen people include only local people or particular community in self (which we better known by name of regionalism or casteism)
For some great people like “Buddha” scope of self is really too vast because they include everything in world.

Now without making this Blog lengthy and boring for you I feel I should give my definition for word SLEF & which surely I have now with me.
In my words – “SELF – Whatever for which you cares.”
Now let’s see if my own definition fits even for all of examples given by me above. Oh Good, it is valid for at least all examples above.
Then the meaning of word SELFISH was clear for me when I putted the definition of word SELF in the definition of word SELFISH(& of course it was not Salmon Fish) which is “The one who thinks about SELF” which reframed as “The one who thinks about whatever for which he/she cares”.
Hey but what is this I started this Blog for Salmon Fish Na? Oh ho again I distracted from topic & again I have to complete that in my next Blog because as being a selfish guy now I am feeling hungry & now I have to go for something to eat, so please wait till my next Blog if you are really interested in knowing more about Salmon Fishes too………

Monday, March 3, 2008

“Thanks DADA……………………Salute to a Great teacher”

I remember the days when I was young kid (yes-yes I am still a young kid only). What I remember most is my Grandfather, I used to call him “Dada”. His real name is ‘Shri Govind Rao Parshuram Karandikar’, he used to teach in Gwalior for about 58-60 years of his life & he is very famous in Gwalior by name “Bansi Bhaiya/Kaka” (as Govind is name of Lord Krishna & Krishna used to play flute or say Bansi in Hindi) or “Master Saab” but for me he is only my Dada. Dada is my greatest teacher ever, he taught basic of mathematics in so nice manner that I never faced difficulty in mathematics till today. Due to those basics only I never scored less than 95% marks (many time I scored perfects also) in mathematics. How good & perfect methods of teaching Dada had in his teacher bag (I only can say AMAZING). Dada started teaching me mathematics when I was only 3 or 4 years of old. My class used to start at Tea (I can’t say breakfast table here because we used to sit on floor only), he used to tell me to count cups, plates & spoon, then a lot of combinations by creating situations like some guest are coming for tea or while bringing tea some cup-plates has broken. That time I was thinking why Dada let me count those same things daily & daily, but I used to like this session lot because I love those situational stories & other gossips which we do while Tea. After that I used to play for sometime & again at 9:00AM my official teaching class used to start. I was lucky there that my school timing was in afternoon & all my friends used to go school in morning, so thought of playing with friends never affect those classes. Dada used to teach me till 10:30 AM, in that duration he used to teach me English & Mathematics. For English Dada had only 3 books- “Tadkhadkarancha Bhashantar” (say - Grammar by My Tadkhadkar) volume 1, 2, 3, each of which contains not more than 150 pages. Those are very small & thin books but I can only say those are best, but as I never had interest in English so I always used to ignore that part of teaching session (if I would have read those 3 books properly then may be you could have seen effect in these blogs). Next part of teaching session used to my favorite subject - “Mathematics” (Dada also used to know this that’s why he used to teach 30 min English & 1 hour Mathematics). In starting I need to write count form 1-100 or 1-200, reverse counting form 100-1, tables till 10 (but Dada always increased count for this & when I was in class 3rd I used to remember tables till 20 and when I was in class 5th I used to remember tables till 30). Then the most challenging and interesting part of mathematics session used to arrive which Dada called as “Chakravyuha”, now next question you will ask me what is this “Chakravyuha”. So let me explain for you- I think most of us heard this word in Mahabharat or Bhagvat Geeta. In Mahabharat Guru Dronachaya (teacher of Pandava’s and Kaurava’s) used teach very special method of war called as “Chakravyuha”, which is very difficult and apart form Dronachaya only Arjuna know how to break that “Chakravyuha”. Now in the same way Dada (like Guru Dronachaya) has his own “Chakravyuha” for me (you can say his Arjuna), that “Chakravyuha” is of numbers. Now let me explain you what is this number “Chakravyuha”, in that basically he used to give me 5-6 numbers of 4-5 digits each, first I need to add them up then I need to subtract each number one by one from total & in last I left with last number (you can say its simple approach but it works on accuracy & lot of number crunching). In this way if I did mistake anywhere in whole process then I won’t be able to get last number & I need to again & again check till I get correct last number. So I can only say it is as difficult as real “Chakravyuha” in which there is very less scope of mistake. This task I also used to like a lot because it used to give me lot of calculation & number crunching. As I am lazy person this practice also improved my accuracy.
Due to my habit of doing homework in school itself I used to get lot of time in evening for playing with my friends. But there is one more teaching session for about 30 minutes was used to waiting for me in evening too, which was named as “Parocha”. Many of us who are Maharashtrian may know meaning of this word “Parocha” but for others I explain. “Parocha” is oral study practice generally preformed in evening to remember things like Shlokas, Counting, Tables and Spellings etc. So in evening I used to revise Shlokas, counting, tables and some spellings in loud voice which is very useful in remembering anything. Specialty of these “Parocha” sessions was regularity & rhythm, it’s like that if you revise any thing again & again then you can remember it without difficulties (as you can remember any song easily because you sing it regularly & in rhythm).
Dada passed away in August ‘1996 so he taught me till I was 10 years old only, but the base he established is so strong that I never feel any difficulty till date in mathematics.
I still miss & remember Dada most not only for his affection for me as a grandfather but also for all what he teach me & made my foundation strong. Really he was a great teacher.
Thanks a lot “Dada” ………………………..

Sunday, February 17, 2008

“Feelitation”- Another perspective for meaning of words…..

Today’s English class was scheduled for “Word meaning”, the area in which I am very much interested (simply because I am weak in this). In starting of class she (believe me its very difficult to concentrate on words and their meaning when some beautiful teacher is teaching) gave some words, methods to remember word, type of words and last but not the least meaning of words. She told that there are generally 2 type of meanings for any word -first is denotation and second is connotation (please don’t ask me exact meaning for this also- but one is dictionary meaning & other is usage meaning depending upon context), but when I was thinking on this then I felt there is one more type of meaning for words which is – “Feelitation” (oh red underline, means MS word don’t have this word in dictionary). Now next question is what this “Feelitation” is, so I can say only it is combination of “Feeling + Tation” (both denotation and connotation have same suffix), means this is the meaning for any word depending upon individual’s feeling.
I know you all are agree with me but then also you want (NEED is better word here I feel) proper example for justification, which I have lot so no issue for me.
Till class 6th I used to sit between two girls in my class (that time I never released important of this), suddenly 1 day one of them said me hey “you are my boy friend and I am your girl friend” (thanks god both of my girl friend didn’t started fighting there). As I am a bit shy also I shocked after listening this and I asked her what exactly she meant by saying this? Then she told “I mean we are friends and you are boy & I am girl, so I used new words which I listened yesterday (thank god, whatever feeling she had for me but she told me this)”. We can easily understand two meaning of same words upon different feelings, she only said by combining Boy/Girl + Friend while I thought due to love or affection she said this to me (this word still confuse me lot).
As Valentine day just passed I remember 1 more incidence here, when I just passed my school first time someone (no need to say she is my girl friend, here again girl friend means “Girl + Friend”) wished me on Valentine day morning. I was very excited about this for full day because as I just entered in the college and moreover first time in life some girl wished me on Valentine day. That time I know only 1 meaning of this which some of our social and cultural security guards “Bajarang Dal and Shiv Sena” taught me (basically they play role of “Kamadev” for teaching us this meaning and spreading love across the city specially in Bhopal).
But when today I am working in S/W industry many of my friend (girls also) wished me for Valentine day but I never thought over this more than 10 sec. You can again see same words “Happy Valentine Day” but different meaning depends upon feelings like in first year of college what we felt (me and that girl) and what feeling today we have (me and my friends).
You can see strong influence of feeling in meaning of words – like many time we use very abusive words (please don’t ask me to use here, but believe me I know as I also did my engineering) between friends to show our affection but when same words used in quarrel between same friends then it means as same as their actual meaning. Here again feeling come into picture, first time we are saying same word but shaking hands or hugging friends and second time we are ready to destroy him along with same word.
I have many more example of Feelitation but now I want you to find out other example around you in your day to day life (as I feel we are the best teacher for us).
Many time people use some words as per their feeling and other understand or interpret same word according to their own feelings, and if there is gap between Feelitation then real problem occurs (implication of these problems may be either on +ve or –ve node).
As we all know feeling can’t be created it generates by default, so it’s not possible for us to control Feelitation meanings of words by our self but we can only try to reduce this gap in Feelitation among us and others.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

In reality who is in minority in India.................?

This is a Friday evening, which means starting of weekend. I along with 2 of my friends went to mall first for some shopping (not for me-as everybody know I rarely do shopping), then we went to Bobby Da Dhaba (so called Paratha Point as per one of my friend) very near to MG Road, there we had very tasty Parathas, Kadi Pakoda and Kheer (not for me-everybody know I don’t like sweet much). At table we had lot of topics to discuss, like- good Panjabi girls around us, taste & income of that small shop & last but not least hottest topic like Hot Parathas “Mumbai and Raj Thackeray”. In between talk one of my friends just said to me that-see what your Raj Thackeray doing in Mumbai. It was a bit pinching also for me, what does his meaning by My Raj Thackeray?
But yes, as I am a Maharashtrian person along with Raj Thackeray so now he becomes my Raj Thackeray. But then main question in front of me was what Raj Thackeray is doing and most importantly why he is doing all this. If we try see something more towards the problem then it’s very easy to identify that problem is preventing the cultural changes in Maharashtra (especially in Mumbai) by people from other regions of India who come there only to earn livelihood (otherwise everybody wants to be at home). As I also live in Bangalore I feel same problem Bangalore also facing today. I am not saying that changes in cultural is bad, but rapid cultural changes are coming due to fast rate of people coming from outside. People from other parts change culture significantly (intentionally or unintentionally) according to their own culture as well as their needs & at the same time it is very difficult for local people to save their own culture and identity. Sometime local people also participate in this process of changing culture along with people from outside of that region (but mostly process of cultural changes do not initiate by locals). But when this change accumulates more and more then we can see drastic cultural difference which leads to revolution to save original culture by local people.
Sometimes local people also start feeling that they are going into minority at their own land due to which this kind of issues come in front of us with horrible implications.
Today I am noticing this problem in Bangalore, people from other parts of India come here and earns lot (everybody say IT/SW Persons are always overpaid) which leads raise in prices of every commodities and things goes out of common man (largest in numbers), then sometime local common people may blame on people from outside of Bangalore (who neither know about local culture nor speaks to them in their own language). Then feeling of insecurity also come which raises issues like-“Maharashtrian are in minority in Mumbai”.
We all know that India has a vast width-breadth in terms of geographical, political and cultural difference. Also the availability of resources differ in region by region, so people leaves their own family, home and land for better opportunities and relocate in other parts of India for earn livelihood along with earning livelihood they also contribute in overall growth of country.
Now if our aim is India’s overall growth then we need to seriously look toward this day by day increasing problem and also try to find its solution.
As we discussed about the problem/issue, now our next step is to find solution but not like in the same way Raj Thackeray trying to solve problem (basically this will increase problem more due to feeling of regionalism among people).We know that issue is correct but the way it putted along with violence is not correct. There are other more important steps need to be taken to solve this problem. Right action need to taken by both people from outside as well as the local people also.
In my opinion obviously first step must be taken by the people from outside, first they need to respect local culture and language, along with they should also try to learn local culture and language without leaving their own cultural and language. This will create atmosphere of trust between the local and people from outside.
Some actions also need to be taken by local people. They should stop feeling and saying that Maharashtrian are in minority in Mumbai or Kannadiga are in minority in Bangalore or Tamilian are in minority in Chennai. They should remember this if all this what they are saying is true then “Only Indian are in minority in India” because everybody here want to be either Maharashtrian, Kannadiga or Tamilian but nobody want to be Indian, then only Indian will become in minority in India nobody else.
Finally I just wanted to say “Think about above problem along with some possible solution mentioned (I know you can think many more other solutions also) and please try to implement them soon for India’s growth and for not bringing Indian in minority in India.”
You may think why I am writing this so answer is – “I am doing this only for me because I am an Indian & I don’t want to be in minority in my motherland”